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Informed Consent in Counseling (Benefits, Tips & Examples)

Author: Salwa Zeineddine, Mental Health Expert

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Have you ever found yourself in a hospital awaiting surgery or sitting in a therapist's office, only to be handed a consent form before your treatment commenced?

In healthcare, it is commonplace for doctors and mental health professionals, including counselors and therapists, to ask clients to provide their informed consent. This crucial step ensures that individuals have been adequately informed about their treatment plan.

Presented herewith is all the essential information one ought to be acquainted with when it comes to informed consent in counseling and therapy.

A Foundation of Trust: Building the Therapeutic Relationship on Informed Consent

Informed consent is a critical aspect of any therapeutic relationship to protect clients' autonomy and rights. By law, therapists must fully disclose all relevant treatment details to allow clients to make truly informed decisions about their care. This includes providing information on the proposed treatment approach, potential risks and benefits, alternative options that may be available, and the client's right to refuse treatment or withdraw consent at any time.

Therapists are required to present this information in a clear, unbiased manner and ensure the client comprehends what they have been told before obtaining their signature on an informed consent form.

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The consent process varies slightly depending on the state's regulations but generally involves discussing the treatment goals and methods, risks of harm or discomfort, limits to confidentiality, expected duration and costs, and the client's right to revoke consent.

Overall, the guiding principle is that clients have a fundamental right to direct their own care and make voluntary, well-informed decisions.

A proper informed consent discussion and documentation protects both the client and therapist legally by demonstrating the client agreed to treatment with full awareness of all pertinent details.

Ok, But Why?

At the heart of any helping relationship is trust and choice. When first meeting with a counselor, it is important that clients understand exactly what they are agreeing to so they can decide if it feels like the right fit. A counselor's primary responsibility is ensuring those they support are able to make empowered decisions about their own care and growth.

To do this well, counselors are called to have transparent discussions with prospective clients about expectations, limitations, and each party's role in the process before it begins. Only with clear communication upfront can someone give their fully informed consent to start the journey of counseling. The counselor should take care to explain in plain language their approach, goals, and what clients can expect session to session.

If the proposed method of working together resonates for the client and matches their needs, goals, and values, they will feel confident moving forward. But choice is paramount. No one should feel compelled to continue with a particular counselor or mode of treatment if it does not sit right internally.

Overall, consent is about ensuring the power to choose remains with those seeking help.

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What Are the 4 Principles of an Informed Consent?

When it comes to informed consent, there are four key components to consider: decision making capacity, documentation of consent, disclosure, and competency.

Decision-Making Capacity

This component, often referred to as competency in legal terms, is crucial for ensuring that individuals can make informed decisions.

On an important note, decision-making capacity is not a simple binary concept. It can vary depending on the specific decision at hand.

Understanding decision-making capacity involves several key factors:

  1. Understanding the available options and alternatives.
  2. Understanding the consequences and potential outcomes of each of the options.
  3. Evaluating personal costs and benefits.

If someone lacks the ability to fulfill any of these components, state laws may designate family members, court-appointed guardians, or others as "surrogate decision-makers" to make decisions on their behalf.

It is important to note that possessing decision-making capacity does not guarantee that every decision made by the patient will be deemed "good" or align with the doctor's perspective. Likewise, making what may be considered a "bad" decision does not imply incompetence or a lack of decision-making capacity.

In essence, decision-making capacity or competency simply means being able to understand and explain the available options, their implications, and providing a rational justification for choosing one option over others.

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To obtain informed consent for any treatment or procedure, providers must disclose enough information to enable clients to make informed decisions. This disclosure should include a clear explanation of the risks, their likelihood, as well as the benefits and their likelihood.

Furthermore, providers should address any questions clients may have, using language and terminology that clients can easily understand.

Documentation of Consent: From Implied to Written

For certain routine tests and procedures (take the example of blood tests in medicine), consent is often implied, and written documentation is unnecessary. However, for treatments carrying significant risks, clients should receive a written consent form accompanied by a verbal explanation, preferably in their native language.

The written consent form should include the following components, which must be discussed with the patient:

  1. Explanation of the condition warranting the procedure, or treatment.
  2. Description of the purpose and benefits of the proposed procedure or treatment.
  3. Description of the proposed procedure or treatment, including potential complications or risks.
  4. Discussion of alternative treatments and procedures, if available, along with their relative benefits and risks.
  5. Consideration of the consequences of not accepting the procedure, or treatment.

Both the therapist and the client need to sign and date the consent form. In the case of a minor, the parent or legal guardian would sign on their behalf.

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Competency is a legal term that signifies an individual's ability to make decisions and be held responsible for them.

Why Informed Consent is Important in Counseling

Informed consent is important in counseling for several reasons. While it's true that trust plays a significant role in the therapeutic relationship, obtaining proper consent goes beyond developing trust. It ensures that clients are actively involved in the decision-making process and have a clear understanding of the treatment they are receiving.

To make a long story short, informed consent is important for:

Legal and Ethical Considerations:

Healthcare providers, including counselors, have a legal and ethical obligation to obtain informed consent from their clients. Failure to do so can lead to legal consequences and professional misconduct. By seeking informed consent, counselors demonstrate respect for their clients' autonomy and promote a collaborative therapeutic relationship.

Avoiding Assumptions:

Assuming a specific type of therapy or treatment without consulting the client can be detrimental to the therapeutic process. Each client is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. By obtaining informed consent, counselors can gather essential information about the client's preferences, previous experiences, and expectations. This information helps in selecting the most appropriate treatment approach and avoiding potential mismatch or dissatisfaction.

Client-Centered Approach:

Informed consent empowers clients by involving them in the decision-making process. It allows clients to actively participate in their treatment planning, ensuring that their preferences, values, and goals are considered. By engaging clients in this way, counselors can tailor their approach to meet the unique needs of each individual.

Financial Transparency:

Informed consent also includes discussing the financial aspects of counseling. Clients should have a clear understanding of the costs associated with the services they will receive. This includes discussing fees, potential additional charges, insurance coverage, and any other financial considerations. By being transparent about the financial aspects, counselors build trust and prevent any surprises or misunderstandings down the road.

Realistic Expectations:

Informed consent provides an opportunity for counselors to clearly explain the treatment plan, including goals, duration, and any potential challenges or requirements. It allows clients to have a realistic understanding of what to expect from the counseling process. For example, if a therapy plan involves significant time commitments or out-of-session tasks, clients can discuss their availability and make necessary adjustments. This transparency fosters open communication and helps clients make informed decisions about their involvement in the treatment.

The Essence of Consent: Tips & Examples

The content of informed consent may vary across different scenarios. Typically, it entails a comprehensive description of the proposed intervention, treatment, or procedure, including the release of pertinent information.

When appropriate and relevant, one must explicitly discuss the potential risks, benefits, and alternative options involved. The clarity of risks, benefits, and procedure specifics can range from crystal clear to somewhat baffling. Moreover, the extent and depth of information provided may differ depending on the unique circumstances. For instance, in cases involving child custody evaluation, an elaborate consent is necessary to address risks such as reduced time with the child or increased financial responsibilities.

Similarly, complex procedures like Electric Shock Therapy and the prescription of medication may also require elaborate consent to ensure complete understanding.

Furthermore, consent for the release of information often entails specifying the recipient, the type of information to be shared, the purpose of release, and the authorized time limit.

Now, let's dive into examples of questions that clients deserve answers to prior to granting informed consent:


  1. What is the specific therapeutic approach that you employ?
  2. How did you acquire the expertise in this particular therapy?
  3. Could you explain the mechanisms and theory behind this therapy?
  4. What potential risks may be involved? For instance, could therapy impact factors like divorce rates or trigger episodes of depression?
  5. Can you provide data on the percentage of clients who have experienced improvement? In what ways? And how can we be confident in these findings? Have there been published research studies involved or is it based solely on your personal practice experience and conversations with colleagues?
  6. In the absence of this therapy, what would be the probable outcomes for clients? Are there any studies or evidence supporting these predictions?
  7. Approximately how long does the therapy process typically last?
  8. If I feel that therapy is not yielding the desired results, what would you recommend?
  9. Do you offer therapy sessions over the phone or via the Internet?


  1. Are there other therapeutic modalities or support systems available as alternatives? For example, are there support groups that could be beneficial?
  2. What are the potential risks and benefits associated with these alternative approaches? How do they compare to the risks and benefits of not undergoing therapy?
  3. How does your specific therapeutic approach differ from these alternative options


  1. How are appointments scheduled and managed?
  2. What is the typical duration of each session, and are there any additional fees for longer sessions?
  3. How can I reach you in case of an urgent situation?
  4. What is the protocol for therapy sessions during inclement weather or when I'm ill


  1. What type of records do you maintain, and who has access to them? Are insurance companies or supervisors granted access?
  2. Under what circumstances are you legally obligated to disclose information shared during therapy? This could include instances of suicidal or homicidal threats, child abuse, court cases, involvement with insurance companies or supervisors, etc.
  3. How do governmental regulations influence the manner in which you handle the confidentiality of client records?

Money Matters

  1. What is your fee structure for therapy sessions?
  2. Will I be charged for missed sessions?
  3. What are your policies regarding fee increases? For instance, how frequently have you raised fees over the past two years?
  4. In the event of a loss of income, would it be possible to adjust the fee?


  1. To what extent and what type of information will you need to disclose to the insurance company regarding our therapy sessions? This could include details related to diagnosis, symptoms, etc.
  2. What happens if I switch insurance providers or my coverage changes? Or what if you no longer accept my insurance?
  3. How would therapy differ if I chose to pay without involving insurance?


  1. What is your professional training and experience?
  2. Are you licensed by the state? Do you receive supervision or hold any board certifications?
  3. Who can I approach if I have a complaint about our therapy sessions that we are unable to resolve?

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About the author

Salwa Zeineddine

Salwa Zeineddine is an expert in the mental health and medical field. She has extensive experience in the medical field, having worked as a medical researcher at the American University of Beirut. She is highly knowledgeable about therapist needs and insurance requirements. Salwa is passionate about helping people understand and manage their mental health, and she is committed to providing the best possible care for her patients. She is an advocate for mental health awareness and works to ensure that everyone has access to the resources they need.

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All examples of mental health documentation are fictional and for informational purposes only.

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