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What is a Mental Health Intake Assessment? (With Examples)

Author: Courtney Gardner, MSW

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As a mental health professional, the intake assessment is one of the most crucial moments in your work with new clients. During this initial meeting, you can establish trust and rapport, gather information about your client's situation, and set the right tone for your work together. With a well-structured mental health intake assessment, you can unlock the keys to your client's challenges and goals and use that information to create an effective treatment plan. Building a strong, trusting therapeutic relationship from the beginning can help your clients feel safe and supported as they work towards growth and healing. Keep reading to discover how to create a practical intake assessment for successful first sessions.

What is a Mental Health Intake Assessment?

Starting a new therapeutic relationship with a client can be a vulnerable and overwhelming experience for them. However, a mental health intake assessment is necessary to provide your client with the best possible care. This process involves asking thoughtful questions that gather relevant background information about the client to create customized treatment plans that focus on their individual needs. Intake assessments can also identify the need for referrals to other mental health professionals or resources to provide the most comprehensive care possible.

Although intake assessments require time, the benefits of understanding your clients' needs are significant. Prioritizing intake assessments in your practice shows your clients that you care about their well-being and are committed to providing the best care possible. As clinicians, conducting thorough assessments also ensures that we provide valuable and focused work that can improve our clients' outcomes.

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The Importance of Mental Health Intake Assessments

Conducting mental health intake assessments confidently is essential for offering efficient treatment. A thorough intake assessment can provide several advantages to ensure constructive outcomes, such as:

  • Understanding the client's concerns, symptoms, and goals for therapy. This helps ensure you address what matters to them.
  • Learning about the client's medical and mental health history. This context helps determine appropriate treatment approaches and potential diagnoses.
  • Identifying any immediate safety risks or crisis issues, including suicidal thoughts, self-harm behaviors, violence, trauma, or substance abuse.
  • Choosing the right interventions and modalities for each client's needs.

What to Include in a Comprehensive Mental Health Intake Assessment

When conducting a mental health assessment, gathering relevant information about your client's background, current situation, medical history, and family history, among other factors, is crucial. This information is necessary to develop an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. Regardless of your specialization, a comprehensive mental health intake assessment should cover fundamental areas such as symptoms and goals for treatment. By gathering this information, you will better understand your client's context and be able to provide tailored and effective treatment.

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Personal Information & Current Life Situation

When collecting information about a client, it is essential to gather as much detail as possible. Start by collecting their basic personal information, such as name, age, and contact details. However, it is equally important to understand the client's situation, including their current support system. It is crucial to consider various factors such as their living arrangements, employment status, interests, strengths, and coping skills. Additionally, the client may naturally provide other relevant information, such as their relationships, values, and beliefs, which will further assist in developing their treatment plan.

Assess for Risk Factors

Before continuing with the assessment, it's necessary to gently inquire about any suicidal thoughts, self-harm behaviors, violence or aggression towards others, or any additional safety concerns. This is crucial to ensure your client's well-being and assess potential risks of harm to themselves or others. Appropriate action must be taken if you identify any risks, and a safety plan must be developed before continuing with the assessment.

Presenting Problem

When speaking with the client, ask open-ended questions to understand the severity and duration of their symptoms. Inquire about specific examples of thoughts, behaviors, physical symptoms, and any problematic events.

Some example questions may be:

  • What issues bring the client in?
  • What symptoms are they struggling with?
  • How long have the symptoms been present?
  • How severe are the symptoms?

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Mental Health History

Inquire about any past experiences with psychotherapy, counseling, or psychiatric care. Ask about diagnoses received and treatments that were helpful or not. This gives insight into what may or may not work for this client.

Consider asking:

  • Has the client received any previous diagnosis or treatment?
  • What medications or therapies have they tried? How effective were they?

Medical History

It is important to ask clients for information about their physical health, including chronic illnesses, injuries, conditions, diagnoses, medical issues, medications, sleep issues, and hospitalizations, as these can all significantly contribute to your overall mental health and well-being.

Family History

It is crucial to prioritize the physical and mental welfare of your client's loved ones. This involves not only meeting their fundamental physical needs but also being attentive to any potential mental health issues, especially those that may be hereditary. By taking a proactive stance towards the family's health, we can identify potential genetic risks or trends and take the appropriate steps to tackle them before they become a concern.

Be sure to ask about

  • The mental and physical well-being of close family members such as parents, siblings, and grandparents.

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Developmental History

Inquire about their parents' pregnancy and childbirth experiences, as well as developmental milestones, traumatic events, past abuse, and losses. Early experiences are crucial in shaping development and may contribute to current challenges. By understanding these formative experiences, we can gain valuable insights into an individual's struggles and work towards effective solutions.

Substance Use

Gently yet directly inquire about any alcohol, drug, or medication misuse, including details about frequency, amounts, the type of substance(s), and side effects, to ensure safety and effective treatment planning.

Goals for Therapy

When engaging with a client, discussing their desired outcomes from therapy and how they plan to measure its effectiveness is important. This approach helps create a customized and practical intervention plan and provides a means for monitoring progress.

Consider asking your client:

  • What changes or improvements would they like to see in their life?
  • How will they recognize these successes?

Examples of Intake Assessment Forms

You can use various preformulated intake assessment forms to ensure a complete and accurate understanding of your clients' biopsychosocial profile, risks, and diagnosis status. These forms will help you determine the appropriate questions for your clients from various available intake assessments. Using these forms, you can comprehensively evaluate your clients' condition and cater to their needs right from the beginning of your therapeutic journey.

General Assessment

A general intake assessment covers basic information such as contact details, medical history, family history, education, relationships, and work history. This information helps mental health professionals understand the client's background and identify any factors affecting their mental health or treatment.

Symptom Checklist

A symptom checklist is a tool that allows clients to rate the frequency and severity of symptoms related to mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and substance abuse. This tool can help determine if the client meets the criteria for a diagnosis and can shape your treatment recommendations accordingly.

Risk Assessment

For some clients, especially those with severe symptoms, a risk assessment evaluates the likelihood of harm to themselves or others. Questions cover thoughts or plans of suicide, self-harm, violence, reckless behavior, or inability to care for themselves.

Diagnosis-Specific Assessments

Specialized assessments with tailored questions can provide insight into specific diagnoses such as PTSD, OCD, or eating disorders, revealing the nature, severity, and impact of symptoms unique to each condition.

Best Practices for Mental Health Intake Assessments

Mental health service providers can learn a lot about their clients during initial consultations. Follow best practices like asking the right questions and creating a safe environment to get insights into their needs. Tailor your approach and explain the purpose of the consultation to gather the most accurate and relevant information for personalized care.

Ask Open-Ended Questions

When meeting with your client, give them the space to share as much information as they feel comfortable. Start with open-ended questions like "What brings you in today?" or "How have you been feeling recently?" to encourage them to share freely. Then, ask follow-up questions to clarify their symptoms, life events, medical history, substance use, and family history. Allow your client to describe their experiences, relationships, and reasons for seeking therapy in their own words. You will create a safe, trusting environment that fosters rapport by listening without judgment.

Tailor Assessments to Your Field

The information gathered may differ depending on the profession. Psychiatrists mainly concentrate on eliminating any physical causes of symptoms, while social workers tend to prioritize environmental factors such as family dynamics, living situations, and social support networks. When designing or using any assessment form, customize it to your profession and include questions that provide the information you need to know.

Provide Options for Sensitive Questions

When working with clients who have gone through trauma, abuse, or other sensitive experiences, it is crucial to provide them with options for expressing themselves in the way that they feel most comfortable. They may choose to write, draw, or talk about their feelings. It's important to let them know that you understand how challenging it can be to discuss such topics and that they can share at their own pace.

Explain the Purpose

To help your client feel more comfortable, explaining why you're collecting information and how you will use their answers to inform their treatment is essential. The intake assessment should be a collaborative process, not an interrogation. As you become more familiar with the questions you ask, it will feel more like a dialogue. Be yourself and use your personality to put your client at ease. With their consent and cooperation, you'll gain the insights needed to support their well-being.

Explain Confidentiality and Consent

It is crucial to provide individuals with a sense of security regarding the confidentiality of their personal information. Clear communication is essential, as is safeguarding privacy and obtaining written consent for sharing patient information with insurance or healthcare professionals. Moreover, it is crucial to be transparent about the use and storage of their data.

Review and Summarize

To ensure a shared understanding for future sessions, it is important to recap the essential details, risk factors, goals, and next steps at the end of the session. Before ending the meeting, provide an opportunity for any final questions or clarifications.

Mental Health Intake Assessment Template:

As a psychotherapist, referring to assessment templates to ensure you cover all the necessary aspects and gather the information needed to create an effective treatment plan tailored to each client's unique needs can be helpful. Below is a general assessment template you can use, either as is or as a starting point for your own.

Client Information:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Contact information (address, phone number, email)

Presenting Problem:

  • Briefly summarize the main issue(s) the client wants to address in treatment.

Mental Health History:

  • Previous diagnoses
  • Previous treatments and therapies
  • Medication history and effectiveness

Medical History:

  • Chronic illnesses or medical conditions
  • Current medications

Family History:

  • Mental health and substance use issues among close relatives

Substance Use:

  • Types, frequency, and amount of alcohol and drug use

Safety Assessment:

  • Questions to assess risk of self-harm, harm to others, suicide ideation

Treatment Goals:

  • Client's goals and desired outcomes from treatment

Additional Details:

  • Space for any other relevant information the client wishes to share

Therapy Intake Assessment Example:

Client Name: John Doe

Date of Birth: 05/17/1977

Presenting Problem:

John reports feeling depressed for the past six months. He describes symptoms of low mood, loss of interest in activities, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, insomnia, and feelings of worthlessness.

Mental Health History:

John has not previously received any mental health diagnosis or treatment.

Medical History:

John has high blood pressure, which he manages with medication. He has no other chronic medical conditions.

Family History:

John's mother suffered from depression. There are no other significant mental health issues in the family.

Substance Use:

John reports drinking two to three beers "a couple of times" per week but denies the use of other substances.

Safety Assessment:

John denies any current thoughts of suicide, self-harm, or harming others.

Treatment Goals:

John wants to "feel like himself again" and regain interest in his normal activities and hobbies.

Additional Details:

John is married and has two children. He works full-time and enjoys spending time with his family in his free time.

Mental Health Intake Form (Template):

To ensure that your sessions with your clients are productive and go smoothly, you can offer them an intake form to fill out while they wait for their first meeting, or you can guide them through it during your initial consultation. A well-designed intake form ensures you collect all the necessary information for their records.

Client Information:

  • Name:
  • Date of Birth:
  • Contact information:
  • Date of Intake:

Reason for Visit:

Please explain the main reason you are seeking treatment now.

Safety Assessment:

Please share if you are currently having thoughts about hurting yourself or others. In case you are, do you have access to any means that could potentially be harmful?

Medical History:

Please list any current or past medical conditions, illnesses, injuries, or recent hospitalizations.

Mental Health History:

Have you received any previous diagnoses, treatment, or medications for a mental health condition? If so, describe them and share how effective they were.

Family Mental Health History:

Are there any known mental health conditions that run in your immediate or extended family? If so, please describe those that are in your immediate family.

Substance Use History:

Do you currently use any recreational drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products? If so, please describe the type, frequency, and amount.

What are Your Goals for Treatment?

What changes or improvements would you like to see from treatment?

Other Relevant Information:

Please provide any other details about your situation, relationships, job, living situation, interests, or values that would be helpful for your treatment provider to know.

FAQ: Common Questions About Mental Health Intake Assessments

As a mental health therapist, intake assessments are a crucial first step to helping your clients. You likely have some questions about the best way to conduct them. Here are answers to common questionnaire about mental health intake assessments:

What information should I gather?

You'll want to collect a comprehensive client history, including:

  • Basic information: Name, age, gender, etc.
  • Presenting problem: Why is the client seeking help now?
  • Mental health history: Previous diagnoses, hospitalizations, medications, therapies.
  • Medical history: Any conditions or medications that could impact treatment.
  • Family history: Psychological or medical issues in the family that could be relevant.
  • Life events: Significant changes, traumas, losses, or difficulties.
  • Daily functioning: How the client functions daily, self-care, relationships, work/school, interests, strengths, etc.

The information gathered may vary slightly based on your profession but should provide a holistic view of the client.

How often should intake assessments be updated?

It's a good idea to review and update a client's intake assessment every 6-12 months or if there are any substantial life changes. This lets you stay current with the client's situation and adjust treatment plans accordingly.

What are the benefits of a comprehensive intake assessment?

A thorough intake assessment provides a strong foundation for treatment. It gives you insight into the client's situation and needs, allows you to make an accurate diagnosis, and helps you develop an effective, personalized treatment plan. It also builds rapport and trust between you and the client from the first session.

Do I need a formal assessment tool, or can I develop my questions?

Either approach can work well. Using a standardized intake assessment tool can help ensure you cover all critical areas. However, developing your questions tailored to your needs and theoretical orientation is also acceptable. The most important thing is gathering enough information about the client's situation, difficulties, strengths, and goals to allow you to help and support them properly.


Investing in a comprehensive mental health intake assessment can be a life-changing experience for clients and practitioners. Gathering relevant information, asking thoughtful questions, and building personal connections can create an environment that sets your clients up for success. Committing to high-quality assessments allows you to personalize treatment plans, cultivate stronger therapeutic relationships, and achieve better outcomes than ever before. Remember that a thorough assessment done right can significantly impact your clients' lives and is an essential step towards promoting mental health and wellbeing.

But why stop there? Mentalyc is here to help you take your practice to the next level! Our innovative app empowers you to work collaboratively with your clients, providing them with trust and transparency every step of the way. With Mentalyc, you can access templates for intake assessments and progress notes for individuals, children, couples, and more. And, with security standards that follow HIPAA compliance and fully encrypted databases, you can rest assured that your clients' data is always safe and secure.

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All examples of mental health documentation are fictional and for informational purposes only.

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